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For this class, you will read the following:

The Odyssey

An epic poem written by Homer around

the end of the 8th century B.C.E.

This poem follows Odysseus and his

travels to get back home to his wife and


Some recent adaptations of this poem

are the movies:
The Odyssey (1997)

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)

To Kill a Mockingbird

Written by Harper Lee (1960)

The book follows a young girl named Scout

and he brother Jem. Their father, Atticus Finch

takes on a case to defend a falsely accused

African-American man.

The novel tackles racism, social justice issues,

and misconceptions.

The Night trilogy

Written by Elie Wiesel (1962)

The books cover Elie's experience in a

concentration camp during WWII.

*Disclaimer: These books are a tough read

due to graphic first-hand accounts of

the horrors that took place during WWII.

Along with the readings, you will also write a 5-page research paper. The topic will be up to you; however, it must be approved by me prior to research.

TKAM assignment

Students will complete the survey found here. The survey will be taken before and after reading To Kill A Mockingbird. Students will compare and contrast their original answers with the later answers. Students will discuss how and why their answers might have changed. The students will then discuss how characters in the novel may have answered the questions.

American Born Chinese

Written by Gene Luen Yang (2006)

This is a graphic novel

The story focuses on young Jin Wang who starts at a new school and feels out of place. Jin begins to question who he is and how he feels as a person. With a little help from some friends, Jin finally comes to terms with who he is and no longer feels displaced.

The Crossover

Written by Kwame Alexander (2014)

This poetry book focuses on a young African-American boy named Josh Bell. His father was a potential NBA star; however, a knee injury stops him from pursuing his dream, so he lives his basketball dream through his two sons. Unfortunately, something goes terribly wrong at one of the basketball games.

Recommended Readings

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