Class Syllabus
Grading Breakdown and Scale
Practice Areas
Final Exam
Subject/Verb Agreement
Prepositional Phrases
Semicolons VS Colons
Oxford Comma
Active Voice
Parallel Structure
Course Overview
In each of the English classes, students are required to learn basic grammar skills, read 3 classic novels, and create one 5-page research paper. For 10th grade and up, students will also have to write literary analyses for one or more of the classic novels.
In these classes, students will learn how to interpret literature, write literary analyses, write a research paper, and basic grammar skills.
Course Texts and Materials
Each of the classic novels can be found under the individual class tabs. However, these novels are provided by the school district, so there is no need to purchase these items on your own.
Other materials needed include pencils, notebooks, and post-it notes. There will be annotations in the books, and these marks cannot be permanent, so it is recommended that students buy post-it notes in order to avoid this.
Course Objectives
Students will...
1. Interpret literature
- Make annotations in their books, such as questions, concerns, comments, and other ideas that they found within the book
- Come up with a theme or idea that encompasses the novels
- Back up their theme or idea with evidence from the text
- Discuss with classmates about their themes, annotations, and questions
2. Write literary analyses (not applicable to 9th graders)
- Use their theme or main idea in a thesis statement
- Write a paper based around that thesis statement
- Back up their thesis with evidence from the text and possibly additional outside sources
- Conclude their papers with a connection to the real world
3. Write a research paper
- Pick a topic of interest (must be approved by teacher)
- Research both sides of the topic
- Craft a thesis that depicts which side the writer is on and why
- Include alternative side within the research paper
- Be able to dispute or have a rebuttal to the opposing side
- Conclude research paper with connection to real world or the next step for their topic
4. Learn basic grammar skills
- Many of the grammar skills covered are listed at the bottom of this page
- Practice basic grammar skills by putting them into their writing
Students are allowed ONE late assignment for the entire semester. The late assignment can be turned in up to a week (7 days) past due for up to full credit.
However, students are always welcome to revise and resubmit their work for up to full credit.
a) Students be respectful of other students opinions whether they agree or disagree.
b) Students wait their turn to be called on and raise their hand.
c) Students come to class prepared (with a pencil, paper, the reading done, etc.).
d) Students are invited to participate in class discussions about the novels.
e) Students communicate openly with the teacher if there are issues about an assignment or paper.
Academic Conduct
Do NOT plagiarize another person's work. That is stealing. Always give credit where credit is due.
Participation/Attendance: 10%
Reading Quizzes: 5%
Grammar: 20%
Literary Analysis: 20% (not applicable to 9th grade)
Dramatic Reenactments: 20% (only applicable to 9th grade)
Research Paper: 30%
Final Exam: 15%
Grading Scale
100%-93% A
93%-90% A-
89%-87% B+
86%-83% B
82%-80% B-
79%-77% C+
76%-73% C
72%-70% C-
69%-50% D
49%-0% I
The final exam will be 30 multiple questions covering grammar, the texts read in class, and parts of the reading quizzes.
There will also be a short essay portion.